rannabocru Admin replied

295 weeks ago

Dragon Ball Z: Light Of Hope Torrent

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7cb1d79195 Based years into the future nearly all the Z warriors are dead and only Gohan and Trunks remain. Can they fight off the evil androids and save earth?
the summary says it all. this film focuses on what we were really expecting to see from Dragonball evolution, suchthe fast-paced fight scenes, stories that held true to the anime and kick-ass ki-blasts. i don't want you expecting a full saga's worth of story because you will not find it here. nor will you get much character development. this film assumes that you know the basics of the DBZ universe and will take you on a journey through the origins of Trunks. To think that this film was done on a budget that is a grain of sand compared to the Hollywood version is just jaw-dropping. i can only imaging what they could have done with the Hollywood budget…i have sent in my donation for the next two episodes and cannot wait to see them. i really do wish i was a part of this amazing series, because it is something worthy to have been a part of.
The action sequences are exciting well choreographed , and done with great special effects for amateurs , Keeps to the spirit of the original series.(though there are one or two shots that to look… a little cheesy.) Its just when there isn't a fight sense its problems show (hey kinda like the original show). Some of the dialogue isn't written the best and some problems with the acting. The child actor sounds like he's doing the best he can , but he still has a long way to go. His acting made one scene come offreally awkward and said see felt shoo-horned in already, though it was a scene that was needed to introduce his mother it felt rushed, the rest of the actors do a fine job though.<br/><br/>In conclusion I did enjoy this and look forward to the other episodes…If they ever come out

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last edited 217 weeks ago by rannabocru
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